Our focus areas

SAB Ventures is constantly scanning the market for new concepts and ideas for collaboration.
Currently we are focused on 8 key areas, where we see a strong potential for new ventures to be created, while strengthening the overall strategic direction.

Enterprise Software
Food & Beverages
Gaming Studios
Prop Tech

Submit your Idea!

Do you know an entrepreneur that provides white-label solutions in any of those spaces and have an amasing idea for a collaboration with a bank? Do not wait any longer, tell them to send us their company brief and a short intro to the idea, so that we can get in touch with them!


Our main pillars of collaboration

In our search for the new opportunities, we want to ensure that our efforts are in line with overall company strategy, objectives and key themes.

Customer Experience

Because in the digitalised world, building new and convenient experiences around core capabilities is the key to customer hearts.

Organisational Efficiency

Because legacy free world unlocks the hidden creativity and enables new big ideas.

Employee Experience

Because our people deserve the best that market has to offer.

The Venture Journey – From an idea to an MVP

Ideas Gathering

We believe that ideas can come from many sources and we want to tap into all of them!


We want to ensure alignment with the Bank’s vision, hence we rank ideas based on the strategic fit.


Each preselected idea needs to prove its DESIRABILITY in the eyes of the end users and its viability for the business.


Each idea gets a convenient and user friendly journey and experience, while maintaining its feasibility.


A small scale launch can quickly validate our assumptions and to correct the direction if needed.


A light commercial launch, in collaboration with the end users to ensure market fit with the audience!

Venture types

API Integrators

Applying BaaS Marketplace and front-end management models to facilitate Fintech needs (i.e. Solaris Bank, Plaid).

Lending as a Service

Creation of alternative data driven creditworthiness engines to be applied on various platforms (i.e. FinLeap Connect, Wiserfunding).

Liabilities Generators

Application of new business models for liabilities (i.e. SNBL for mortgage down payments).


A startup factory approach towards marketplace generation to facilitate various use cases (i.e. rocket internet).

Tourism and Events

Lite account models to facilitate short term account creation (i.e. Ant).


Aggregation driven models for products and service management (i.e. subscribed.FYI, Check24).


Green Paybacks approach to building community-relevant use cases (i.e Spiral).

Specialized Digital wallets

Application of BaaS and WaaS models to enable facilitation of niche use cases (i.e. Agri-Wallet).

Data Providers

Data driven models focusing on either monetization of data or access to users (i.e. Finanzguru).
